CommunIT “Defining Your Impact as a Leader” Podcast

​Leadership – one of the most sought after, discussed and important of the intangible traits that are sought after ...

​Leadership – one of the most sought after, discussed and important of the intangible traits that are sought after in today’s working world. Yet, this important behavioral characteristic continues to be one of the most fluid, difficult define and feigned of any in the modern workplace. All these factors lead to skewed expectations of our own leadership traits – often causing us to place unrealistic expectations on ourselves.

It’s important to remember that our leadership qualities exist in two areas – how we are today and what we aspire to become. All leadership is in constant evolution – just as we are all professionally constant works-in-progress.

In the most recent CommunIT podcast our panel offers their thoughts on how the perception of our own leadership qualities might differ from the experience of those we lead, the impact of different leadership styles, and various tools to help discern your own leadership style for the greatest effect.

Whether you are a seasoned executive used to leading large teams or aspiring to land your first management role – this podcast is for you.

Listen Now.

​In the most recent CommunIT podcast, our panel offers their thoughts on the perception of our own leadership qualities and various tools to help discern your own leadership style for the greatest effect.