Salesforce Services

We have over 225 Salesforce experts, spanning across 150 certifications with teams in both the U.S. and India.

At Dexian, we have the tools and expertise to help you facilitate a successful Salesforce implementation, optimize your sales experience. and maximize synergies.

With the high-touch experience you expect and a flexible approach, our team can help you make the most of your investment.


Our service capabilities span:

SMB Accelerators (Tools and IP) – Commerce Cloud

  • Sales Cloud
  • Service Cloud
  • Service Cloud Voice
  • Experience Cloud
  • Salesforce Test Automation


Salesforce Manage Ops

  • Flexibility Capacity
  • 24X7 Support


OnDemand Resources


Salesforce Automation


Our differentiators

Flexible and nimble


225+ Salesforce experts

150+ certifications

24×7 Global support delivery mode

Proprietary Salesforce accelerators


Our partnerships

  • MuleSoft
  • Salesforce
  • Copado
  • Autorabit
  • Tableau
  • Informatica